Sunday 1 July 2012


Fourteen years ago, author William Stuart began to explore the darkest regions of our planet and five years later he had enough data to support the claim that a strain of the Knights Templar had ensured that the American War of Independence, French Revolution, American Civil War, Russian Revolution, WW1 and WW2 took place. 

Five more years passed, and William discovered that when the Russian Revolution, heavy with Templar Masonry, began to fail because of the ‘peasant farmers’ loyalty to their Tsar.  Rothschild, Khun Loeb, Warburg, J.P.Morgan, Rockefeller, Fabian Society Round Table and the American International Company applied direct funding to cover up the failure. 

The author knew that the Templars were controlled by American finance, who took orders from Geneva and that this organisation had designed seven strategic wars as a blueprint for financial gain and the growth of the New World Order as far back as 1710. 

They matched their seven wars to the “breaking of 7 seals” in the Book of Revelation, as all had been initiated into Red Masonry called Armageddon Masonry, using verses from that last book of the Bible. At this stage of his research William suspected that there was a potential seventh war, which could be seen as a mock up of Armageddon, so he set out to discover whether 9.11 and the chaos in the Middle East were connected, and if both events had originated from this satanic cabal. 

A compelling and exciting read, 9:11 to Armageddon is over 300 pages of brilliant research that is an absolute must for anyone interested in understanding the subversive organisations that run our world and how they have created every war since the American War of Independence.

Saturday 24 July 2010

High finance, the High Cabal, has been running the Brotherhood of Light very secretly for over 1500 years. It has grown stronger.

From this cabal of the Roman Empire, fashioned again in Venice in 697AD, white slaving and currency manipulation in the Eastern Mediterranean arose. It became the ruthless mask of the Knights Templar, who invaded Europe and Britain in 1150AD. The red lodges that resulted from that period still exist today.

By the mid-16th century the Cabal was back again, this time smashing the monasteries, introducing slavery, large houses, currency manipulation and controlling the East India Company that held power over a fifth of the world's population.

So we trace here the Cabal's hoof prints into the still existing and unsolved Templar mysteries, into the Round Table, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission of today. And we review the world of central banking and the scientific frauds, such as Darwin's theories and the man-made global warming nonsense from the Club of Rome.

After reading this, there is no need to ask who started the American Civil War or Russian Revolution, melted the gold teeth from Auschwitz into the gold bars of the Bank of International Settlements as it resisted closure at Bretton Woods and moved towards World Bank. No need to ask who plans to move democracy into a commune of the oligarchy in which ALL but the bankers will be the peasants of a new political system called "Nazi-Communism".

This is the story of the High Cabal, Brotherhood of Light and Seven Churches of Asia. But it is also the hardheaded story of the European Union, who secretly designed it and what it really is. The Great European Secret remains secret until these words are read, and it is still The Invisible College; until good people ensure that it is otherwise.